Sunday, December 9, 2012

v.031 - Racial Abilities, Bug-Fixes

No time for a big update this week - Busy with finals and also being sick on finals week.

Big Stuff:

Added racial abilities. I tried to stay true to Elder Scrolls numbers and calculations, but good god damn some of these are OP as fuck. Can somebody let me know if they were this OP in the original games? I can't remember if they were or not. Specifically: Redguard Adrenaline Rush, Breton Dragon Skin, and Orc Berserker Rage.

Part of these abilities are natural bonuses or maluses to resisting disease or elemental attacks, etc. Since these aren't implemented yet, though, none of them actually do anything so far.

Breton and Altmer get bonuses to their max MP, though.

Other Stuff:

-Fixed CTDs when selecting Scout or Rogue as classes and Atronach as Birthsign
-Fixed the restoration starting spell incorrectly displaying as "lesser sanctuary"
-Fixed abilities not deactivating when their duration runs out

Once finals are over I will try to get on getting equipment implemented. Thanks for your patience until then, as well as any bug reports, comments, or criticisms.

Now go slay some bandits!


  1. Just found this project and love the idea. While I really like roguelikes, I'm uninitiated when it comes to testing them out in alpha stages. Downloaded the current zip, but not sure which file serves as the executable or if I need frontend of some kind to get it running. Advice or a readme in the download would be cool for the less savvy.

    Keep up the good work. My biggest interest is a roguelike with the same kind of freedom and character development as the Bethsoft games. I like semi-static worlds where I can progress over over time, but with dungeons and fights that vary with different playthroughs. I realize guilds and overworld stuff is a way off, but eager to see you get to that point.

  2. I really hope this project is still alive! It looks awesome! Downloading now.

  3. File "Heart of", line 341
    self.always_visible = always_visible
    TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
